Dalmellington to take centre stage in benefit concert for disability forum

Tuesday 12 October 2021

A second concert in aid of the Garnock Valley Disability Forum will feature Dalmellington Band in its line-up of guest artistes at the end of this month.

The event follows on from a successful concert at the beginning of October in which Irvine & Dreghorn Brass were among the invited performers.

Brass in the Valley 2 is once again being put on by the Barrmill Jolly Beggars Burns Club. While free to attend, donations at the door will benefit the Garnock Valley Disability Forum.

The concert will take place on Sunday 31 October at the Geilsland Hall, Beith KA15 1HE at 2pm.

Councillor Donald L Reid, secretary and honorary president of the Barrmill Jolly Beggars Burns Club, commented: ““It is important that those intending to come along let me know in advance for seating purposes and refreshments at the break. My contact details are 07976 654833 and donaldleesreid@hotmail.com.”


Got a story?

Email Nigel Martin: sbbapr@gmail.com