Book your place for AGM and Learning Festival on Zoom

Tuesday 12 January 2021

SBBA’s AGM and Learning Festival will take place on Sunday 31 January. However, because of the current Coronavirus restrictions on public gatherings, it will be a Zoom event.

Starting at 10am (with entry to the meeting from 9.45am), the meeting will be limited to four delegates per band, although just two will have voting rights. Please send details of your representatives (names and email addresses) to secretary Tom Allan using this form.

Entry to the AGM will be via Eventbrite and you can register at

The President's and Treasurer's reports will be sent out in advance along with the previous minutes and the agenda for the 2021 AGM.

There will be a Q and A at the end of the AGM and bands are asked to submit their questions to Tom Allan by 23 January.

Nominations are requested for the position of President and Treasurer and these, along with a proposer and seconder, should also be sent to Tom by 23 January. Likewise for nominations for the Executive Committee.

After the AGM, the Learning Festival will commence at 11am. Access to the workshops will also be by Eventbrite soon:

• Whitburn Band percussionist Ryan Bradley will present two Zoom sessions on solutions for creating a virtual band performance –one for the absolute beginner and one for the more technically advanced.

Damian Martin and Tabby Kerwin will deliver a session on mental health within brass bands.

• Trombonist Brett Baker will be talking about ‘Motivational Practices and Routines During Lockdown’.

• In the final session, entitled ‘Celtic Connections’, SBBA president Carrie Boax will be joined by her counterparts Graeme Howe (Wales) and Allan Davidson (Northern Ireland) to share their experiences within their associations during the lockdown and discuss what has been good, what has not been so good and what the future looks like for like-minded organisations who work with volunteers. This session will be open to bandspeople from all three associations.





Got a story?

Email Nigel Martin: