Common Riding in Langholm is a week long affair – and the town band is at the centre of proceedings

Friday 23 July 2021

The Common Riding week is one of the biggest events in the Langholm calendar – and it is a huge occasion to be part of for members of the town band.

Last year, Langholm Town Band performed a virtual recording of one of the Common Riding marches, Jeannie’s Black E'e, which was played on the Friday night at the start of the week’s festivities.

This year, the band has gone one better. Players have recorded a whole socially distanced session at Milntown, the home of Langholm Rugby Club, to be broadcast on Facebook and YouTube from this evening through the week.

“The band owes a huge thanks to the team at the Centre Stage Theatre for their assistance in the recording and to Josh Calvert for pulling the whole thing together voluntarily,” said Langholm Town secretary Christine Calvert.

You can check out the virtual events for the Common Riding at Langholm Live and on the Langholm Town Band channel starting at 7pm.

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