Bands urged to keep the entertainment contest spirit alive

Saturday 27 June 2020

Calling all bands! With just a few days to the 1 July deadline for entries, there has been a disappointing response to the West of Scotland Area Committee’s appeal to keep the spirit of the WoS Entertainment Contest alive.

The intention is to mark this year’s contest in a virtual way by inviting bands to submit recordings of two pieces which could then be judged by a public vote on social media (see original SBBA website post of 19 June).

Lesley Crumlish is urging bands wishing to take part to indicate their interest by 1 July.

“As a few individuals and bands have already recorded pieces and uploaded to YouTube, we thought this would be a good way of keeping the contest date in the diary,” she explains.       

“At the moment, I have received notification from four bands interested in taking part in the virtual concert/poll contest. It will still be worthwhile giving these bands the opportunity to perform their pieces, but it would be so much better if we had a larger entry.”

The recordings – of a film/TV theme and a march – will be uploaded onto social media on the date that this year’s contest was planned to take place – 30 August.

If you are interested or would like further information, please get in touch with Lesley at – but please hurry as time is running out!


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