24-hour brass band music on internet radio

Sunday 5 April 2020

Are you missing those rich, sonorous tones of a brass band during this coronavirus outbreak? Would you like the opportunity to listen to bands all day, every day? Did you know that there is an internet radio station that specialises in round-the-clock brass band music? And that your band could be featured on it?

Brass Band Radio is a 24-hour radio station which features regular programme slots to reflect the time of day and different themes, eg test pieces, vinyl revival, lunchtime brass, classical collection, through the night, etc.

A not-for-profit organisation whose proceeds from advertising are reinvested into programming output, Brass Band Radio is owned and run by David Beal, who is also the managing director of Larch Music.

He is keen for bands who have made CDs to send them in for inclusion on his playlists. “Our radio station is not just about the top flight bands,” he said. “We would also like to give the lower section bands some air time.”

If you would like to hear your band featured on the air waves, just send your CD to Brass Band Radio, Unit 2, 16 The Village, Haxby, York YO32 3HT.

You can tune in to the radio station here. Happy listening!


Got a story?

Email Nigel Martin: sbbapr@gmail.com